Shown as part of my solo MFA Exhibition in March 2015
Created January 2015
Marine Grade Plywood, Steel, Bearings
Technology used: Rhino, CNC Machine, Aspire, Digital Fabric Printing, Laser Cutter
2.5' x 2.5' x 11'
blaze: a colored marker placed on a trail verifying a path
These are often spread unknown distances apart and become beacons of relief when feeling lost. While they often don't signify an exact direction, blazes reassure that one is following the correct path.
This column requires technical, intellectual, and exact navigation through multiple visual cypher-landscapes. Vague direction causes moments of lost until the next blaze is discovered.
Reminiscent of hiking a snow-packed trail or through a misty forest.
Created January 2015
Marine Grade Plywood, Steel, Bearings
Technology used: Rhino, CNC Machine, Aspire, Digital Fabric Printing, Laser Cutter
2.5' x 2.5' x 11'
blaze: a colored marker placed on a trail verifying a path
These are often spread unknown distances apart and become beacons of relief when feeling lost. While they often don't signify an exact direction, blazes reassure that one is following the correct path.
This column requires technical, intellectual, and exact navigation through multiple visual cypher-landscapes. Vague direction causes moments of lost until the next blaze is discovered.
Reminiscent of hiking a snow-packed trail or through a misty forest.